“When I first joined Pidge as a rider, I had told my parents that with my hard work and dedication, I’ll soon leave this delivery bag behind,” says Pankaj Sharma, 28. He’s one of the two riders who got promoted as Operations Executives only a few months after their joining. Pankaj Singhal, who was 23 at the time of his joining, was next in line. Both of them are now pursuing their graduation alongside their full time roles at Pidge. “Working in the office along with a bunch of inspiring people has made me realize the value of education,” says Singhal, who wants to pursue an MBA in the future.
One thing that both Sharma and Singhal have in common is their belief and confidence in themselves. They feel that it is this confidence which got them selected, first as Delivery Executives and later on, as Operations Executives. Their eagerness to learn along with the attitude of never giving up is what set them apart. “Pankaj Sharma has always gone ahead and delivered more than what was expected of him. Even during the lockdown, when the entire office team was working from home, he did not hesitate to go out to help a Delivery Executive who faced a bike breakdown,” says Tushin Joshi, Head of Operations at Pidge. However, these two have also faced their fair share of struggles in the beginning.
Facing challenges head on
Pankaj Singhal was the youngest member of the team and had a fear of late night shifts during his initial months at Pidge. One day, he got back to his house “really late in the night” after completing his last order. The next day, he went straight to his senior and begged him to change his shift timings. “That’s when my senior taught me that living in fear only takes one away from progress. He assured me that I could rely on the company to be there for me through thick and thin,” recollects Singhal. He is glad that he could overcome that fear.
Living with his parents, his wife and a two year old daughter, Sharma too, faced his own set of hurdles. Before starting at Pidge, he used to work as a delivery boy without any job security. Sharma’s father worried a lot about his health and safety at that time. Neither he nor his wife could spend much time taking care of their daughter due to their work. After Sharma joined Pidge, his wife felt secure enough to take a break from her work in order to spend more time with their daughter. His father is also “very happy and proud” of him now. “Pidge has brought a sense of security in my life,” says Sharma.
Experiences to remember
Even now, they fondly remember their delivery experiences in the field. “Pidge is the only company that has formal attire for its delivery executives along with well rounded training sessions,” says Sharma. He feels that this made people see him in a new light and respect them more. “In my experience outside Pidge, I had noticed that hardly any customer used to greet us back at the time of delivery, but it was really different here,” stresses Sharma. Currently a part of the Pidge Operations Team, both of them receive support and appreciation from everyone else in the office.
“I don’t feel like I’m working in someone else’s company but my own. Pidge is like family to me,” says Singhal. He also recollects one of his special experiences from his journey at Pidge when he won two awards; one for best performance, and the other for being the first rider to complete a hundred orders. He has always been very motivated at his work. Even when the internal opening for Operations Executive was rolled out, he was quick to brush up his computer skills to be prepared. “Pankaj nailed the interview with his presence of mind,” says Tushin. “Even today, he likes spending whatever time he can get with his seniors to learn more,” he adds.
Talking about the next step
Singhal and Sharma are really inspired by Ratnesh Verma, Founder of Pidge. “Talking to Ratnesh sir fills us up with an unmatchable level of confidence. He inspires us to do something different, something extraordinary in our lives,” says Singhal. “He motivates us to be our best in all that we do,” adds Sharma. Sharma’s next aim is to be promoted to the position of Assistant Manager in the company. Singhal wants to improve his English speaking skills and learn advanced computer skills alongside his job. He also wishes to be promoted to as high a position as he truly deserves in the company. Both Pankaj Sharma and Pankaj Singhal have inspired many others from their grit and determination, and continue to do so everyday!
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