

Unboxing loyalty

Unboxing Loyalty: How to Win Hearts (and Repeat Orders) with a Stellar Delivery Experience

Let’s talk about customer experience, the stepping stone to customer loyalty. Studies reveal that a staggering 85% of shoppers are unlikely to revisit a retailer after just one negative delivery experience. This could be due to delays, missed deliveries, inaccurate … Read More

Supply Chain Visibility

Unlocking Efficiency: How Supply Chain Visibility Boosts Profits and Customer Satisfaction

While the supply chain automation market is booming across the globe, expected to be USD 51.2 bn by 2028, only 6% of organizations report complete visibility over their supply chains and as many as 69% of them suffer from poor … Read More

What makes a courier service reliable?

With the influx of many players in the delivery service industry, you, as a customer may be confused about which service to choose. The success of any courier or delivery service depends largely on how reliable it is. Whether punctuality, … Read More

Parcel Delivery Service

How To Choose Your Parcel Delivery Service

It’s your dad’s birthday and you totally forgot to buy him something. You go online and see numerous parcel delivery services, but don’t know which one to choose from because you need a service that gives the same day parcel … Read More

Selecting Our Riders: One Step at a Time

Selecting Our Riders: One Step at a Time

Pidge has been found and created on a firm belief that our services are directly proportional to the… … Read More

Making the Most of Your Commute

Curabitur laoreet sed lorem id pulvinar. Sed nec nisi velit. Proin ut eleifend metus. Donec elementum massa turpis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam sit amet lacinia augue. Praesent malesuada tellus in nunc dapibus suscipit. Cras non turpis ipsum. Fusce non viverra arcu. … Read More